Returning to the Farm
2:00 pm –
3:00 pm
Holiday Inn-Downtown Room: TBA
141 N 9th Street
Lincoln NE 68508
Lincoln NE 68508
Sandy Sterkel, (402) 472-1742,
Bringing a young person into a farm/ranch operation presents challenges. However, the business operation can accomplish numerous goals by helping the young person get a solid start in the operation, keeping the farm/ranch in the family, and ensuring a comfortable retirement for all involved. Success does not come automatically; it requires effort.
We strongly recommend that all members of the management team attend all four days of sessions. Each day will build on material from the previous sessions.
Registration deadline:
November 30
We strongly recommend that all members of the management team attend all four days of sessions. Each day will build on material from the previous sessions.
Registration deadline:
November 30
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This event originated in Agricultural Economics.