We deliver on Demand! Finding & Getting What you Need, When you Need it
5:00 pm –
6:00 pm
Nebraska Hall
Room: West 204 Engineering Library
900 N 16th St
Lincoln NE 68508
Lincoln NE 68508
Directions: Enter at 16th & W Streets, up to 2nd floor
Additional Info: NH
Tracy Bicknell-Holmes, (402) 472-3411, englibm@unl.edu
Tracy Bicknell-Holmes, Professor, Engineering Librarian;
Through the Engineering Library you have access to nearly 30,000 online full text journals. Did you know that the library will deliver electronic copies of articles to you, even if we have the journals in paper? Did you know we can deliver articles we don’t even have within 13 hours on average? In this session, you will learn the resources, tricks and tips that get you the quickest access to what you need when you need it. Join us to learn how we can save you time and effort in your research process.
For more information see: http://libraries.unl.edu/engrliblectures
Through the Engineering Library you have access to nearly 30,000 online full text journals. Did you know that the library will deliver electronic copies of articles to you, even if we have the journals in paper? Did you know we can deliver articles we don’t even have within 13 hours on average? In this session, you will learn the resources, tricks and tips that get you the quickest access to what you need when you need it. Join us to learn how we can save you time and effort in your research process.
For more information see: http://libraries.unl.edu/engrliblectures
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