SBS Seminar-Brian Couch, University of Colorado - Boulder
Capstone Assessment in Molecular Biology
3:30 pm –
4:30 pm
Hamilton Hall
Room: 112
639 N 12th St
Lincoln NE 68588
Lincoln NE 68588
Additional Info: HAH
Agnes Wu, 472-2729,
Students majoring in biology typically take a semi-prescribed series of courses aimed at helping them master central concepts, develop practical competencies, and cultivate higher-order cognitive skills. We have developed a molecular biology capstone assessment to gauge student understanding of core molecular biology concepts and their ability to apply these concepts to novel scenarios. Targeted at senior-level students, this assessment utilizes a unique multiple true-false format where each question consists of a narrative stem followed by four true-false statements. Each question was developed with extensive faculty and student input, including content-validation through faculty feedback and response-validation through student interviews. Results from an online pilot administration of this assessment indicate that advanced students exhibit a wide range of achievement levels across different conceptual areas. Once complete, this assessment will provide a valuable tool for departments to pinpoint areas of conceptual difficulty and guide subsequent curricular reform.
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This event originated in School for Biological Sciences.