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‘Whoever Wakes in England’ opening reception

4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Nebraska Innovation Campus, 2nd Floor Link
2021 Transformation Drive
Suite 2220
Lincoln NE 68508
Target Audiences:
Brooke Goedert, (402) 472-5535,
Join us on Friday, January 17 in the 2nd floor link for an opening reception of Kit Gonifas’ photography exhibition: “Whoever Wakes in England.”
This stunning collection features Kit’s favorite black-and-white photos, captured during her time living in York and exploring cities around the UK. These images reflect a life-changing journey, and Kit is thrilled to share the stories behind her work.

Refreshments will be provided. This event is free and open to the public.

To learn more about Kit and view additional work, please visit:

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