IANR Global Open House
Part of International Education Week 2019
9:00 am –
4:00 pm
Agricultural Hall
Room: 202
3550 East Campus Loop S
Lincoln NE 68503
Lincoln NE 68503
Additional Info: AGH
Yi Xuen Tay , (402) 472-5960, ytay3@unl.edu
Check out what’s new in global engagement for the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources! Meet our interim director, Stan, new staff member Tay, and learn more about the global activities happening across the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources! Our team will be sharing about the programs led by our office, capacity building/scholar hosting opportunities and resources for those looking to expand their research, teaching or extension in a more global way. Are you a student looking for ways to be involved in the international scene? We’ll have information on the IANR Student Diplomat Program, internationally-focused classes in CASNR/CEHS, as well as details on the upcoming faculty-led education abroad trips. International coffees, teas and snacks will be served, and we’ll even have a few global games to play around with! Come learn more about the increasingly global nature of agriculture and natural resources at Nebraska!
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This event originated in IANR.