Former White House staffer and rising design activist Billy Fleming presents the next Hyde lecture
4:00 pm
Nebraska Union
Room: Auditorium
1400 R St
Lincoln NE 68508
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: NU
Kerry Vondrak, (402) 472-9240, architecture@unl.edu
The College of Architecture is excited to announce Billy Fleming, the Wilks Family Director of the Ian McHarg Center at the University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design, will present the next Hyde lecture titled “Design and the Green New Deal.”
Fleming will explore how landscape architects have been conspicuously absent at key political flashpoints of the past decade, including Occupy Wall Street, the Standing Rock protests and now the Green New Deal. The field has responded to neoliberalism with ever larger global corporate practices, a proliferation of boutique design firms and a retreat from public service. The profession has ceded most government work to engineers. Professional societies have further depoliticized the field, ensuring that landscape architects are locked out of the policymaking process and constrained by the limits it imposes.
This presentation is part of the College of Architecture’s 2019-2020 Hyde Lecture Series featuring speakers from across disciplines that are united under the common theme of “OUR WORK / YOUR WORK - Designing and Planning For Political Engagement”.
Fleming will explore how landscape architects have been conspicuously absent at key political flashpoints of the past decade, including Occupy Wall Street, the Standing Rock protests and now the Green New Deal. The field has responded to neoliberalism with ever larger global corporate practices, a proliferation of boutique design firms and a retreat from public service. The profession has ceded most government work to engineers. Professional societies have further depoliticized the field, ensuring that landscape architects are locked out of the policymaking process and constrained by the limits it imposes.
This presentation is part of the College of Architecture’s 2019-2020 Hyde Lecture Series featuring speakers from across disciplines that are united under the common theme of “OUR WORK / YOUR WORK - Designing and Planning For Political Engagement”.
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This event originated in Architecture.