DNA Envelopes are Due
Deadline extended from 6/15 to 7/1/2020
4:30 pm
Cass County Extension
8400 144th Street
Suite 100 Weeping Water NE 68463-1932
Suite 100 Weeping Water NE 68463-1932
Tammy Cavanaugh, (402) 267-2205, cass-county@unl.edu
4-H and FFA, in consultation with the Nebraska State Fair Livestock Committee, have decided to extend the state fair livestock nomination deadline from June 15 to July 1. Exhibitors will be required to submit their DNA envelopes to their county office or FFA Advisor and have completed their online nomination through https://showstockmgr.com/ along with submitting payment online by 11:59 PM CST on July 1.
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This event originated in Nebraska Extension - Cass County.