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School of Natural Resources Research Seminar Series

Social Science Perspectives on Ethno-racial Diversity in wildlife Viewing & Conservation

3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Chris Chizinski,
Presented by Jonathan Rutter, Human Dimensions Technician, and Ashley Dayer, assistant professor, Virginia Tech | Fish and Wildlife Conservation.

At a time when ethno-racial justice has taken center stage in the national conversation, it is increasingly important to consider how themes of diversity, equity, and inclusion apply to wildlife recreation and conservation. In this seminar, we review the importance of ethno-racial diversity in these fields, and the barriers that exist to minorities’ participation in outdoor recreation. We then discuss our own research into ethno-racial patterns in the recreation specialization of birdwatchers, based on a study of United States eBird registrants. Finally, we provide a short list of best practices for wildlife organizations, agencies, and academics as they seek to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion through their work.

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This event originated in School of Natural Resources.