Ethical and Risk Management Issues in Peer Support Services for Licensed Behavioral Health Providers
9:00 am –
12:15 pm
LIndsey Button, (402) 472-5772,
Dr. Frederic Reamer will explore compelling ethical and risk management challenges faced by administrators and supervisors of peer support services. He will discuss unique administrative and supervisory challenges related to boundary issues and dual relationships (e.g., hiring former clients), conflicts of interest, confidentiality, privileged communication, informed consent, client’s rights, termination of services, practitioners’ and clients’ use of technology, and impaired professionals.
An application has been made for 3.0 APA and Nebraska LADC continuing education hours. Participants must attend the entire training to receive continuing education hours.
For more information and to register, visit:
An application has been made for 3.0 APA and Nebraska LADC continuing education hours. Participants must attend the entire training to receive continuing education hours.
For more information and to register, visit:
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This event originated in Public Policy Center.