Amplifying APIDA Voices: Screening and Reflections
5:30 pm –
7:00 pm
Stephanie Bondi
It is common for many people in the U.S. to refer to Asians or Asian Americans without a clear understanding of the variety of nations, cultures, and experiences of people who are current citizens of or descendants of countries within Asia and the Pacific Islands. Also, because some believe individuals in these groups are all successful in the U.S., they ignore the distinct needs of APIDA people. Showing solidarity with Pacific Islanders, Asian Americans, and Asian immigrants, and international students, AFIRE is amplifying the stories of what’s happening on college campuses through this screening of a recent webinar featuring APIDA leaders in higher ed by Student Affairs Now.
Co-sponsored by ASUN and Institute for Ethnic Studies.
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Co-sponsored by ASUN and Institute for Ethnic Studies.
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This event originated in CEHS.