Wilson Lecture – Drugs, Politics, and Pariahs: Or, How to Think About Race and Harm Reduction in an Opioid Epidemic
Dr. Samuel Kelton Roberts, Columbia University
5:00 pm
Zoom Room: https://go.unl.edu/wilsonlecture2021
Deirdre Cooper Owens, dcooperowens2@unl.edu
Samuel Kelton Roberts, associate professor of history, sociomedical sciences, and African-American Studies at Columbia University and leads the Research Cluster for Historical Study of Race, Inequality, and Health, will present a history of race and the current opioid crisis, also stopping to offer thoughts about how harm reduction can and should be infused with racial and economic justice agendas.
The lecture, part of the Linda and Charles Wilson Humanities in Medicine lecture series, is free and open to the public.
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The lecture, part of the Linda and Charles Wilson Humanities in Medicine lecture series, is free and open to the public.
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This event originated in Humanities In Medicine.