Virtual Sunday with a Scientist: Invasive Species
2:00 pm –
2:45 pm
Morrill Hall
1335 U St
Lincoln NE 68503
Lincoln NE 68503
Additional Info: MORR
Jennifer Ruyle,
Have you heard of the Emerald Ash Borer? How about Zebra Mussels? Sometimes species end up where they don’t belong. This can cause devastating effects on a native community of plants and animals. Invasive species are a big problem in the natural world. Allison Zach is the program coordinator for the Nebraska Invasive Species Program (, which works to prevent the introduction, promote early detection, and reduce harm of invasive species. In this Sunday with a Scientist program, she will help us learn to identify invasive species and figure out what you can do to prevent their spread. This interactive program will include crafts, brainstorming, and trivia.
Register in advance to participate in this free program over Zoom:
Watch on the Morrill Hall Facebook Page (@UNSMMorrillHall)
Register in advance to participate in this free program over Zoom:
Watch on the Morrill Hall Facebook Page (@UNSMMorrillHall)
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This event originated in University of Nebraska State Museum - Morrill Hall.