Dr. Alexander Kintzer - CBC/RBC Seminar
Applications of Structural Biology in Drug Discovery
4:00 pm –
5:00 pm
Join via Zoom Room: https://unl.zoom.us/j/93225154270 Meeting ID: 932 2515 4270 Passcode: 563348
Diana Bonham, (402) 472-2932, dbonham2@unl.edu
Drug discovery aims to change the lives of patients through the development of transformative medicines that alter the trajectory of or cure serious diseases. Integral to the success of drug development is a deep investment in technology platforms and methodologies to identify targets and potential therapies. Structural biology is a mainstay group of technologies that when incorporated into drug development can accelerate and improve success rates. The talk will outline key approaches used to discover and elaborate small molecule therapeutics and the role structural biology plays in the drug development process.
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This event originated in Biochemistry.