Nominations Open for Women of Courage, Character, and Commitment
All Day
Nebraska Union
Room: 338
Nominate women who have demonstrated immense courage, character, or commitment over the past year. Information regarding how to submit nominations yet to come.
This event originated in Gender and Sexuality Center.
Safety First
10:00 am –
4:00 pm
Nebraska Union
A grab-n-go event promoting on campus safety this semester, hosted by the Women’s and LGBTQA+ Resource Centers. Come pick up your safety essentials from the NU third floor during our open hours.
This event originated in Gender and Sexuality Center.
Tea Time Friday
Kawasaki Reading Room
11:00 am –
4:00 pm
Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center
Room: 302
Join us to sample a new tea with a snack each week! COVID-19 protocols will be enforced for student and staff safety along with adhering to current health department and university guidelines.
This event originated in Kawasaki Reading Room .
NUtech Ventures Commercialization Analyst Intern Information Session
12:00 pm –
1:00 pm
Please join us for information on NUtech Venture’s Commercialization Analyst Intern position will be posted on Handshake for the month of February. We will be happy to answer any questions you might have about NUtech, or the Commercialization Analyst …
This event originated in NUtech Ventures.
IGNITE featuring Seed&Spark’s Bri Castellini
Film Community Manager, Seed&Spark
12:30 pm –
1:50 pm
The Distribution Down Low for Shorts and Web Series
This event originated in IGNITE Colloquium.
Collaborative Efforts to Diversify Nebraska Cropping Systems
3:30 pm –
4:30 pm
Keim Hall
Room: 150
ANDREA BASCHE. Assistant Professor of Cropping Systems, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
This event originated in Center for Grassland Studies.
First Friday at Sheldon Museum of Art
4:00 pm –
7:00 pm
Sheldon Museum of Art
Get inspired by Alma Thomas’s painting “Winter Pool,” featured in the exhibition “Sheldon Treasures.” Pick up a watercolor kit to make your own artwork at home with the help of a video demonstration by artist Byron Anway, available online …
This event originated in Sheldon Museum of Art.
Racial Literacy Roundtable
Conclusion: of “A Week of Dialogue to Launch Black History Month”
4:00 pm –
5:30 pm
Online via Zoom
Students, faculty and staff are invited to participate in “A Week of Dialogue to Launch Black History Month”, hosted by the Racial Literacy Roundtables initiative in the College of Education and Human Sciences. The online events will be held …
This event originated in CEHS.
William Tidwell, Morehead State University
Development of Prospective Elementary Teachers’ Mathematical Modeling Competencies and Conceptions
4:00 pm –
4:50 pm
Via Zoom
Over the last two decades, the mathematics education community increased research on and attention to the education of prospective teachers in mathematical modeling. Much research is devoted to better preparing future and current middle and high …
This event originated in Math Colloquia.
Art Exhibition
First Friday at the Great Plains Art Museum
5:00 pm –
7:00 pm
Great Plains Art Museum
The Great Plains Art Museum is open late for First Friday. Admission is always free.
This event originated in Center for Great Plains Studies.
Black History Trivia
Hosted by the Office of Academic Success and Intercultural Services
6:00 pm –
7:00 pm
Zoom Meeting
Trivia: Bring your thinking hat and engage in our annual Black History Month trivia hosted by Neon entertainment. You and your friends are able to win up to $200 worth of prizes and guaranteed a fun time!
This event originated in Office of Academic Success and Intercultural Services (OASIS).
H.O.R.S.E. Tournament
Play begins
6:00 pm –
11:00 pm
Campus Recreation Center
Entry fee: FREE
This event originated in Intramural Sports.
LIFE IN LINCOLN: First Friday Artwalk
hosted by Student Leadership, Involvement, & Community Engagement and International Student and Scholar Office
6:30 pm
Nebraska Union, The Crib
A weekly series every Friday evening for UNL students to gather and enjoy a nearby activity or tour to sample and learn about the local Lincoln culture, neighborhoods, and people.
This event originated in Student Leadership, Involvement, & Community Engagement.
Ongoing Events
Exhibit - Multimedia
Unkissed Kisses
All Day
Love Library South
Room: 2nd floor and lower level
A new exhibit in Love Library highlights the historical moments of LGBTQ+ literature, writers, and their roles in the history of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. The exhibit also celebrates the first LGBTQ course offered at a state university …
This event originated in Libraries.
The 48-Hour Challenge
Building Entrepreneurial Teams and Testing Ideas
All Day
College of Business - Howard L. Hawks Hall
Experience the highs, lows, fun and pressure of developing a business idea and working in a startup environment at the 48-Hour Challenge, February 4-6, 2022. Whether participating for credit or not, all students at Nebraska are welcome to bring a …
This event originated in College of Business.