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We the People… Are Ready to Celebrate Constitution Week

All Day
Love Library North & Link
1300 R St
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: LLN
Leslie Delserone, (402) 472-6297,
Today, knowing your Constitutional rights is more important than ever. But when was the last time you read the Constitution? When was the last time you thought about what it takes to be a citizen today? The answer to both questions can be answered with the help of the American Civil Liberties Union During Constitution week.

This September 16th through 22nd, come check out the American Civil Liberties Union’s interactive kiosk in the Love Library South Link. During Constitution week, American Civil Liberties Union will have pocket Constitutions for you to pick up that will answer all your questions about your rights.

They will have a monitor with QR codes that will take you to sights like an interactive constitution and US Naturalization practice test so you can test your skills and see what rights you could be forgetting about.

Don’t miss out this Constitution Week, visit this great booth September 16th through September 22nd and make sure you know your rights now.

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This event originated in Libraries.