Agronomy & Horticulture Seminar – Ramdas Kanissery
Attaining efficacy, crop safety, and sustainability in cropping systems: What’s new in the weed management toolbox?
3:30 pm
Keim Hall
Room: 150
1825 N 38th St
Lincoln NE 68503
Lincoln NE 68503
Additional Info: KEIM
Mamie Boerner,
Ramdas Kanissery, Asisstant Professor & Weed Scientist, Department of Horticulture Sciences; Southwest Florida Research & Education Center; University of Florida, presents “Attaining efficacy, crop safety, and sustainability in cropping systems: What’s new in the weed management toolbox?” The talk will cover novel and alternative approaches for tackling a problem that has troubled crop production forever: “weeds.” From weed identification apps to herbicide spraying robots, weed management has advanced rapidly in adopting new technologies in the last few decades. The seminar will discuss innovative tools such as precision herbicide placement, steam application, etc., as weed control strategies in citrus orchards and vegetable production systems.
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