Celebrating Women’s History Month
With Guest Speaker: Tara Ballard (Author & UNL Professor)
1:00 pm –
2:00 pm
College of Business - Howard L. Hawks Hall
Room: 102 (DIGS)
730 N. 14th St.
Lincoln NE 68588
Lincoln NE 68588
Directions: Enter through the westside doors of the College of Business (facing Memorial Stadium) and hit a sharp left. Walk down the red carpet to locate the DIGS space.
Mia Sadlouskos, (402) 472-2970, msadlouskos2@huskers.unl.edu
In celebration of Women’s History Month, the Diversity & Inclusion Gathering Space (DIGS) is hosting special guest Tara Ballard on March 24th at 1PM in Howard L. Hawks Hall Room 102. Ballard is a UNL professor and a PhD student, studying poetry with an emphasis on gender. She is an Alaskan native and has lived throughout the Middle East and western Africa, teaching English alongside her husband. Her book - House of the Night Watch - won the 2019 Nazim Hikmet Poetry Prize and her vast catalogue has been published in the New York Quarterly, North American Review, Poetry Northwest, and other literary publications. Ballard will be discussing the history and implications of gender in poetry.
There is a maximum capacity of 30 (thirty) attendees - please RSVP by Thursday, March 23rd at: https://forms.gle/G3Tf7WfLMuv16vC16
There is a maximum capacity of 30 (thirty) attendees - please RSVP by Thursday, March 23rd at: https://forms.gle/G3Tf7WfLMuv16vC16
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This event originated in CoB Inclusive Excellence.