SDG Impact Makers: Chat with Biplabketan Paul
Part of the CASNR Global Learning Hub Fall Series
10:00 am –
11:00 am
Virtual Location:
Target Audiences:
Brianne Wolf, (402) 858-8113,
Join us to hear from one of our SDG Global Experts: Biplabketan Paul, water innovator, food security champion and creator of the World Bank-awarded rainwater catchment system named Bhungaroo.
About Bhungaroo: we are a social enterprise in Ahmedabad, India. Our innovative two-fold solution can increase India’s annual agri-income by $1.5B and globally $208B, empower poor women engaged in agriculture, and equip 1,000 women to become agriculture and irrigation consultants to small farmers. Their support to poor farmers on crop survival, package of practices, irrigation and installation of 10,000 Bhungroo units will enable 50,000 farming families to triple their income.
About Bhungaroo: we are a social enterprise in Ahmedabad, India. Our innovative two-fold solution can increase India’s annual agri-income by $1.5B and globally $208B, empower poor women engaged in agriculture, and equip 1,000 women to become agriculture and irrigation consultants to small farmers. Their support to poor farmers on crop survival, package of practices, irrigation and installation of 10,000 Bhungroo units will enable 50,000 farming families to triple their income.
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This event originated in Global IANR.