4-H Spirit Day
Wear green, the 4-H emblem, or your favorite 4-H T-shirt!
8:00 am
Target Audiences:
Brett, brett.kreifels@unl.edu
Celebrate Nebraska 4-H Month’s 4-H Spirit Day - Thursday, February 1, 2024
Wear green, the 4-H emblem, or your favorite 4-H T-shirt!
Share your 4-H Spirit on social media using #NE4HMonth, #iBelong, and #Opportunity4All
Wear green, the 4-H emblem, or your favorite 4-H T-shirt!
Share your 4-H Spirit on social media using #NE4HMonth, #iBelong, and #Opportunity4All
Download this event to my calendar
This event originated in Nebraska Extension - Douglas-Sarpy Counties.