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Becoming a Husker 101 Webinar: Information for UNL Faculty and Staff with High School Dependents

Employee Undergraduate Recruitment Presentation

12:00 am – 12:30 pm
Target Audiences:
Tristen Metcalf,
“Becoming a Husker 101” is open to University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) employees with dependents that are high school freshmen, sophomore and juniors, and interested in learning more about the college search process at UNL for their students.

Topics include:
- Milestones for college bound students
- How parents and families can stay up to date and engaged during their student’s college search process
- Assistance from Husker Hub, UNL’s one stop student integrated services from the offices of Scholarships and Financial Aid, University Registrar, Student Accounts and Bursar.
- Steps incoming students take to enroll in coursework and arrive on campus

The virtual webinar is hosted by Academic Services and Enrollment Management on February 8 at 12:00 p.m.

Zoom webinar link:

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