Starts at
10:00 am
Nebraska East Union
Target Audiences:
1705 Arbor Dr
Lincoln NE 68503
Lincoln NE 68503
Additional Info: Look for the booth West of the East Campus Union. This is where you will start and check in for the fun run!
Jackson Farho, (402) 880-5858, jfarho2@huskers.unl.edu
Do you want to participate in a 3k or 5k fun run all while meeting people within the Environmental and Sustainability Studies Major? Saturday, April 6th at 10 AM is your lucky day!
Join the Environmental and Sustainability Studies (ESS) department in this year’s Fun Run on East Campus. No registration is required. This fun run welcomes all skill levels and all UNL students/staff regardless of their major. The ESS department hopes to se you there!
Join the Environmental and Sustainability Studies (ESS) department in this year’s Fun Run on East Campus. No registration is required. This fun run welcomes all skill levels and all UNL students/staff regardless of their major. The ESS department hopes to se you there!
Download this event to my calendar
This event originated in Envi-RUN-ment.