All events are in Central time unless specified.

Friday, October 25

Film - Feature

All Shall Be Well

Ross Movie

Recurring Date Info:
Location: Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center-Van Brunt Visitors Center Room: Ross Theaters (123 & 124) Target Audiences:
Showing at The Ross October 25-31. Visit for tickets, showtimes, and more information. || Angie and Pat are a couple living in Hong Kong who have been together for over four decades. After Pat’s unexpected death, Angie finds herself at …
This event originated in The Ross.
Film - Documentary

Electric Lady Studios

Ross Movie

Recurring Date Info:
Location: Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center-Van Brunt Visitors Center Room: Ross Theaters (123 & 124) Target Audiences:
A new feature-length documentary chronicling the creation of Electric Lady Studios; rising from the rubble of a bankrupt, Greenwich Village nightclub to the state-of-the-art recording facility inspired by Jimi Hendrix’s vision and becoming the …
This event originated in The Ross.

Holidays for Little Huskers - Signup Period

Recurring Date Info:
All Day
Location: Nebraska Union Room: Room 340 Target Audiences:
Holiday for Little Huskers is a program providing gifts and personal items annually to the children of UNL students during the winter holiday season - at no cost to parents.
This event originated in Gender and Sexuality Center.
Sport - Intercollegiate - Volleyball

Volleyball vs. Illinois

Location: Devaney Sports Center
Your Nebraska Volleyball Team takes on Illinois at the Devaney Center. Match time is TBA.
This event originated in Husker Athletics.
Special Event

Rally the Red: School Spirit Fridays

Every Friday, wear red to show your Husker pride.

Recurring Date Info:
12:05 am – 11:55 pm
Target Audiences:
Break out your Husker gear and show your school spirit every Friday! Wear red and support our Huskers.
This event originated in Student Life.

Artificial Archivist: ChatGPT as Curator

The Birth of Nebraska’s Unicameral Legislature: A Singular Solution for Representative Government

Recurring Date Info:
8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Location: Love Library South Room: Lower Level Target Audiences:
You are invited to visit and engage with the latest exhibit-within-an-exhibit of Archives & Special Collections located in the lower level of Love Library South.
This event originated in Libraries.
Tour/Open House

College of Architecture Open House

8:00 am – 3:30 pm
Location: Architecture Hall Target Audiences:
Your adventure begins with a first step, register today for our Open House. At UNL’s College of Architecture, you’ll experience an education that encourages eager minds to dig deeper, assume nothing and challenge everything. The College of …
This event originated in Architecture.
Art Exhibition

Fleeting Moments, An Art Exhibition

Recurring Date Info:
8:00 am – 8:00 pm
Location: Nebraska Innovation Campus Target Audiences:
Fleeting Moments is a reflection of transient moods and experiences Tammy has experienced. Through a blend of mixed media, Tammy strives to capture these moments before they vanish. Her fascination with line and color drives her exploration of visual …
This event originated in NIC Events Calendar.

Drop-in Flu Shot Clinic for Students

at the University Health Center

Recurring Date Info:
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Location: University Health Center and College of Nursing Room: 240 Target Audiences:
Current UNL students can get their free flu shot by attending a drop-in flu shot clinic, no appointment needed.
This event originated in University Health Center.
Art Exhibition

‘Legacy of Leadership’ photo exhibition

‘Faces of Nebraska Women in Agriculture’

9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Location: Nebraska East Union Room: Loft Gallery (on 3rd floor) Target Audiences:
The Nebraska Women in Agriculture program celebrates 40 years with a photo gallery exhibition, “Legacy of Leadership: Faces of Nebraska Women in Agriculture”.
This event originated in Nebraska Unions.

Adapting to Change and Managing Work Related Stress

University Employee Learning Week - Hosted by UNL Human Resources

11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Virtual Location: Nebraska BridgeApp
Target Audiences:
Presented by Charlie Foster. Join UNL’s EAP staff for a discussion about adapting to change and managing stress. Change is inevitable. And often it is uncomfortable. But we can learn to manage our change related stress. We can get better at “ …
This event originated in Human Resources.

Adopt a Book

Help a Book Find a New Home

11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Location: Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center Room: Kawasaki Reading Room 302 Target Audiences:
Looking for a new book? All students are invited to drop by the Kawasaki Reading Room — Room 302 of the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center — from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 25, to adopt a book for free. There are lots of books to choose from …
This event originated in Kawasaki Reading Room .

Entomology Seminar (virtual): Ian Kaplan, Purdue University

11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Virtual Location: Entomology Seminar
Target Audiences:
Dr. Ian Kaplan, from the Purdue University Insect Ecology Lab, will present a seminar titled, “Integrating Crop Pollinators in to Pest Management Decisions.” Kaplan is a professor in Purdue’s Entomology Department.
This event originated in Entomology Department.
Social Event

Fall 2024 Tea Time Friday

Recurring Date Info:
11:00 am – 4:00 pm
Location: Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center Room: Kawasaki Reading Room 302 Target Audiences:
Join us at the Kawasaki Reading Room, 302 JGMC, every Friday for fresh tea and snacks from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
This event originated in Kawasaki Reading Room .

Kickstart Your Day: Build a Better Breakfast

A Free Cooking Demo with Campus Registered Dietitians

11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Location: University Health Center and College of Nursing Room: First Floor Kitchen Target Audiences:
Join the three registered dietitians for the UNL campus to learn how to prepare:
This event originated in University Health Center.

Prepare Your Data For Openness

Starts at 12:00 pm
Virtual Location: Online via zoom
Target Audiences:
Adopting open data practices can improve collaboration, safeguard data, and help researchers get ahead of data sharing requirements from funders and publishers. Data sharing and transparency can benefit science and increase researcher impact. But …
This event originated in Research Data.

IGNITE featuring Jillian Mayer

Artist and Filmmaker

12:30 pm – 1:50 pm
Location: Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts Target Audiences:
Through, videos, sculptures, online experiences, photography, performances, and installations, Mayer explores how technology affects our lives, bodies, and identities by processing how our physical world and bodies are impacted and reshaped by our …
This event originated in IGNITE Colloquium.

Drop-in Flu Shot Clinic for Students

at the University Health Center

Recurring Date Info:
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Location: University Health Center and College of Nursing Room: 240 Target Audiences:
Current UNL students can get their free flu shot by attending a drop-in flu shot clinic, no appointment needed.
This event originated in University Health Center.
Performing Arts - Other

Kawasaki Reading Room Book Club

Kamishibai: Urashima Taro

3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Location: Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center Room: Kawasaki Reading Room 302 Target Audiences:
Join us for this Kamishibai titled “Urashima Taro”. Kamishibai is a traditional Japanese storytelling art form that combines illustrated cards with a narrator’s dramatic performance. This story is about a turtle that forgot its loved ones. This …
This event originated in Kawasaki Reading Room .

Japanese Conversation Table

Recurring Date Info:
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Location: Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center Room: Kawasaki Reading Room 302 Target Audiences:
Join us every Friday from 4-5pm at the Kawasaki Reading Room 302, JGMC to practice Japanese vocabulary and grammar at any level in a fun and welcoming environment!
This event originated in Kawasaki Reading Room .
Special Event

Pre-Game at The Mill Coffee & Bistro

5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Location: The Mill Coffee & Bistro Target Audiences:
Stop by The Mill Coffee & Bistro for great drink specials before you head to cheer on Nebraska Volleyball at the Bob Devaney Sports Center!
This event originated in NIC Events Calendar.

Puerto Rico Study Abroad applications due

Ends at 5:00 pm
Location: Hardin Hall Target Audiences:
Experience the rainforests: tropical dry forests, tropical streams, caves and tidal pools. Visit local research stations.
This event originated in School of Natural Resources.
Sport - Intramural

Nintendo Switch: Smash Bros. Tournament

Play Begins

Starts at 5:30 pm
Location: Andersen Hall Target Audiences:
FREE EVENT! Winners will receive this year’s intramural sports championship t-shirt!
This event originated in Intramural Sports.

Life in Lincoln: Mana Games Cafe

Starts at 6:30 pm
Location: Louise Pound Hall Room: Atrium (near Room 130) Target Audiences:
Life in Lincoln is a series of select evenings for UNL students to gather and enjoy a nearby activity or tour to sample and learn about the local Lincoln culture, neighborhoods, and people.
Performing Arts - Other

Capitol Fools

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2024 | 7:30 PM

Starts at 7:30 pm
Location: Lied Center for Performing Arts Room: Lied Center Main Stage Target Audiences:
Capitol Fools is the new generation of the beloved Capitol Steps, D.C.’s premier political satire show! Featuring performers and the co-creator from Capitol Steps, they put the ‘Mock in Democracy’ and specialize in bipartisan spoofery. With …
This event originated in Lied Center 24-25 Events.
Film - Series

Ross Fright Fest 2024

Ross Event

Starts at 7:30 pm
Location: Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center-Van Brunt Visitors Center Room: Ross Theater (Room 124) Target Audiences:
Ross Fright Fest returns in 2024 with a month of classic, campy, thrilling, surreal, and unsettling horror films. New this year are family-friendly options, a 3D double feature on Halloween, and two live performances by the Anvil Orchestra!
This event originated in The Ross.
Performing Arts - Music

The Anvil Orchestra

Ross Event

Starts at 7:30 pm
Location: Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center-Van Brunt Visitors Center Room: Ross Theater (Room 124) Target Audiences:
Featuring musicians Terry Donahue (Alloy Orchestra, Concussion Ensemble) and Roger Clark Miller (Alloy Orchestra, Mission of Burma, Trinary System), The Anvil Orchestra – formerly The Alloy Orchestra – performs unique live musical accompaniment …
This event originated in The Ross.

Night of the Living Drag Show

Co-Sponsored by Spectrum UNL

8:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Location: Nebraska Union Room: Centennial Room Target Audiences:
Student performers lip-sync to popular songs in two acts for the end-of-the-semester drag show. A short intermission will take place between the acts.
This event originated in Gender and Sexuality Center.

Call for Entries for the 2nd annual GIS map competition

Student competition

Ends at 11:55 pm
Target Audiences:
Calling all students who love or use maps! Design a map using publicly available data or your original datasets and any software of your choice. Enter the map in celebration of Geographic Information System (GIS) Day (November 20), sponsored by …
This event originated in Libraries.