Lecture: ‘Western Nebraska Abounds in Chlorovirus Diversity’
Lecture by David D. Dunigan | Nebraska Center for Virology, Department of Plant Pathology
3:30 pm –
4:30 pm
NCV- Morrison Center Room: 169
Target Audiences:
4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE, USA
Lincoln NE 68583
Lincoln NE 68583
Jessica Weaver, (531) 210-6970, jessica.peters18@gmail.com
His research focuses on host-virus interactions, especially as it relates to the consequences of infection. For the past several years He has studied the chloroviruses, which are evolutionarily related to other large DNA viruses, such as asfar, asco, irido, marseille, mimi and pox viruses; collectively known as “giant viruses”. He is investigating many aspects of chloroviruses including the virion structure and function; genome structure, function and evolution; metabolic changes associated with infections, as well as the role of algal viruses in aquatic ecosystems.
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This event originated in Nebraska Center for Virology.