District 4-H Horse Show
All Day
Albion, NE
The District 4-H Horse Shows are an opportunity for youth to exhibit the knowledge and skills they have developed through their 4-H horse project. Five district shows are held each year in a variety of locations across the state. District shows include the following classes: Hunter Under Saddle, Hunt Seat Equitation, Pleasure, Western Horsemanship, Western Pleasure Ponies, Western Pleasure Horses, Ranch Pleasure Horses, Ranch Pleasure Horses, Western Horsemanship, Pole Bending, and Barrel Racing. The shows are held as qualifiers for corresponding classes at the State 4-H Horse Expo, and all district-level purple and blue ribbon winners will automatically qualify for and be entered in the corresponding class at the State 4-H Horse Show.
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This event originated in Nebraska 4-H Horse.