Thesis Defense - Mark Freyhof
Cybersecurity of Agricultural Machinery
11:00 am
Splinter Labs
Room: 102
Additional Info: SPL
Santosh Pitla, (402) 472-1466,
Modern agricultural machinery is integrated with numerous digital technologies such as the CAN bus and telematic control units for improved efficiency in the production of agricultural products. The future will see more of these integrated technologies as agriculture continues towards a more data driven future. Although these technologies are important, an unintended drawback is the opportunity for the digital components to become cyberattack vectors. Cyberattack instances have increasingly targeted critical infrastructures, with numerous reports from agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) warning of the significance of cyberattacks targeting the agricultural infrastructure specifically (Boghossian et al., 2018; Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2021; Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2022). This project demonstrates a hypothetical case study to estimate the potential costs of a cyberattack to a precision agricultural operation, along with some practical solutions to improve the cybersecurity of future agricultural machinery
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