BSE Colloquium - Jason Hawkins
Assistant Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineer
12:00 pm –
1:00 pm
Chase Hall
Room: 219
3605 Fair St
Lincoln NE 68503
Lincoln NE 68503
Additional Info: CHA
Rebecca Wachs, (402) 472-2262,
My research uses a combination of economic and statistics to examine engineering and climate change policy questions. Most decarbonization pathways for the US economy place a heavy focus on vehicle electrification in the transportation sector. While adoption has increased in recent years, many barriers exist to full-scale adoption. I examine three challenges in this research: 1) the relationship between charging station investments and electric vehicle adoption, 2) rural electric vehicle adoption and associated barriers, and 3) consumer response to large body electric vehicles. I will describe complete and planned work on this topic, as well as provide an overview of my other research streams.
Additional Public Info:
Meeting ID: 940 4885 2790
Passcode: 299580