Stage Mini Conference
Sustainable Ag Systems Proposal
2:00 pm –
4:00 pm
Nebraska East Union
Room: Great Plains Room B-C
Target Audiences:
1705 Arbor Dr
Lincoln NE 68503
Lincoln NE 68503
Additional Info: NEU
Tami Brown Brandl , (402) 472-1413,
This grant proposal is focused on assessing the sustainability of a small, distributed network of dairy facilities with integrated processing. We specifically chose dairy as our target species because this grant’s additional component is reconnecting the public with animal agriculture. Dairy is one of only two species of domesticated animals that does not harm the animal in the product harvesting (milk and honey are the two products).
Architecture Design 410
Architecture and Interior Design students gathered information
from stakeholders into a programming document - that frames
the project’s goals and needs. The semester was spent ideating,
designing, and developing designs, each located on one of four
sites and each with a distinct concept for engaging the public.
Wall Area 1 -The Crossroads
Design Team, TEETime: Alexis Lovan, Eli Melendez, Kal-El Morman,
Kaylee Navarro, and Payton Winkler.
Reimaging vernacular forms through congestion with three distinct
bars: Barn, Education, & Exhibition. The barn delves underground, while
education and exhibition pierce through, colliding centrally in an active
engagement area. Located north of Nebraska Innovation Campus
Wall Area 2 - Udder Chaos
Design Team, Udder Chaos: Emily Lorius, Levi Brox, Shy Strahm, Kelsey
Bouc, Alexander Alderson
The public loops around the barn on a ramp that transverses the café,
the exhibition and learning, and dairy production. Located on the
southeast corner of Innovation Campus.
Wall Area 3 – Dairy Exploration Center
Design Team, Udder Chaos: Emily Lorius, Levi Brox, Shy Strahm, Kelsey
Bouc, Alexander Alderson
The project is split into four distinct buildings, under one roof canopy,
with each wrapped in a shell of precast concrete that contrasts the
raised, wood-planked deck winding between the buildings. Located on
84th and Havelock Street.
Wall Area 4 - No Bull Dairy
Design Team, No Bull: Chelsea Anderson, Courtney Arnett, Allyson
Campagna, Angela Le, Chloe Martinez
Three volumes separate different building functions, linked together by
a single roof and a catwalk that guides and educates the public about
the milking and production process. Located on the southeast corner of
East Campus.
Wall Area 5 -Destination Dairy
Design Team, Bovine by Design: Kara Morgia, Chris Nguyen, Justin
Supeh, Brooklyn Ziegler
Our project integrates weaving paths through a central outdoor
courtyard, uniting diary processing, community, and education. The
design features a wrapped façade, glazed path, and embodies barn
vernacular. Located on Innovation Campus.
BSEN 943
This class of animal science and biological systems engineering
graduate students were tasked with developing a grant application
for one new sensor system to be applied to dairy to ease animal
care. The team consisted of both AS and BSE students.
In addition, each student was assigned a topic to create an
outreach video. The videos are located throughout the exhibit
Grant Proposals
Table 1 – Detecting lameness in the dairy cows by analyzing the
weight distribution and using computer vision
Team: Rachel Reith, Pablo Grijalva, and Kuljit Bhatti
Informational Videos
Kuljit Bhatti
“Changing dairy structure and technology on the rescue”.
Summary: This video highlights technological advances are helping the
farmer to run the animal production sustainably.
Rachel Reith
“Happy Barn Builder”
Summary: This video highlights how farmers are designing spaces to
improve the comfort of the barn. Features such as the floor, beds,
layout, sanitation, temperature, enrichment, and barn density are
managed to make the barn a happy home for cows.
Pablo Grijalva
“Beating the Heat: Mitigating Heat Stress in Dairy Operations”.
Summary: This video explores the impact of heat stress on dairy
operations and provides insight into proactive measures to improve
animal well-being – including ventilation, water resources, and shade.
BSEN 470/480
All engineering students must complete a capstone design project.
This group of seniors are working with one of our stakeholders.
The project started in Oct and will finish in May.
Capstone Design: On Farm Milk Processing
Team: Luke Bond, Ry Steffen, Robert Stenzel, John Van Nieuwenhuyse
Client Advisor: Dr. Terry Howell
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Rosanne Villa Rojas
This group of senior BSEN engineers have been task with
designing an on-farm milk processing. This semester they have
worked on gather information and defining the problem
Architecture Design 410
Architecture and Interior Design students gathered information
from stakeholders into a programming document - that frames
the project’s goals and needs. The semester was spent ideating,
designing, and developing designs, each located on one of four
sites and each with a distinct concept for engaging the public.
Wall Area 1 -The Crossroads
Design Team, TEETime: Alexis Lovan, Eli Melendez, Kal-El Morman,
Kaylee Navarro, and Payton Winkler.
Reimaging vernacular forms through congestion with three distinct
bars: Barn, Education, & Exhibition. The barn delves underground, while
education and exhibition pierce through, colliding centrally in an active
engagement area. Located north of Nebraska Innovation Campus
Wall Area 2 - Udder Chaos
Design Team, Udder Chaos: Emily Lorius, Levi Brox, Shy Strahm, Kelsey
Bouc, Alexander Alderson
The public loops around the barn on a ramp that transverses the café,
the exhibition and learning, and dairy production. Located on the
southeast corner of Innovation Campus.
Wall Area 3 – Dairy Exploration Center
Design Team, Udder Chaos: Emily Lorius, Levi Brox, Shy Strahm, Kelsey
Bouc, Alexander Alderson
The project is split into four distinct buildings, under one roof canopy,
with each wrapped in a shell of precast concrete that contrasts the
raised, wood-planked deck winding between the buildings. Located on
84th and Havelock Street.
Wall Area 4 - No Bull Dairy
Design Team, No Bull: Chelsea Anderson, Courtney Arnett, Allyson
Campagna, Angela Le, Chloe Martinez
Three volumes separate different building functions, linked together by
a single roof and a catwalk that guides and educates the public about
the milking and production process. Located on the southeast corner of
East Campus.
Wall Area 5 -Destination Dairy
Design Team, Bovine by Design: Kara Morgia, Chris Nguyen, Justin
Supeh, Brooklyn Ziegler
Our project integrates weaving paths through a central outdoor
courtyard, uniting diary processing, community, and education. The
design features a wrapped façade, glazed path, and embodies barn
vernacular. Located on Innovation Campus.
BSEN 943
This class of animal science and biological systems engineering
graduate students were tasked with developing a grant application
for one new sensor system to be applied to dairy to ease animal
care. The team consisted of both AS and BSE students.
In addition, each student was assigned a topic to create an
outreach video. The videos are located throughout the exhibit
Grant Proposals
Table 1 – Detecting lameness in the dairy cows by analyzing the
weight distribution and using computer vision
Team: Rachel Reith, Pablo Grijalva, and Kuljit Bhatti
Informational Videos
Kuljit Bhatti
“Changing dairy structure and technology on the rescue”.
Summary: This video highlights technological advances are helping the
farmer to run the animal production sustainably.
Rachel Reith
“Happy Barn Builder”
Summary: This video highlights how farmers are designing spaces to
improve the comfort of the barn. Features such as the floor, beds,
layout, sanitation, temperature, enrichment, and barn density are
managed to make the barn a happy home for cows.
Pablo Grijalva
“Beating the Heat: Mitigating Heat Stress in Dairy Operations”.
Summary: This video explores the impact of heat stress on dairy
operations and provides insight into proactive measures to improve
animal well-being – including ventilation, water resources, and shade.
BSEN 470/480
All engineering students must complete a capstone design project.
This group of seniors are working with one of our stakeholders.
The project started in Oct and will finish in May.
Capstone Design: On Farm Milk Processing
Team: Luke Bond, Ry Steffen, Robert Stenzel, John Van Nieuwenhuyse
Client Advisor: Dr. Terry Howell
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Rosanne Villa Rojas
This group of senior BSEN engineers have been task with
designing an on-farm milk processing. This semester they have
worked on gather information and defining the problem