Estate Planning: A Look at Healthcare
Center for Ag Profitability Webinar
12:00 pm –
1:00 pm
Ryan Evans, (402) 472-2560,
With: Katie Samples Dean, Attorney, Samples Dean Law; and Jessica Groskopf, Agricultural Economist, UNL
Knowing that your healthcare wishes will be respected if you cannot speak for yourself brings tremendous peace of mind. Regardless of your age, you should have legal documents outlining who you want to make medical decisions on your behalf and what kind of medical treatment you want. This webinar will review options for getting these important estate planning documents in place. Join Extension Educator Jessica Groskopf and Attorney Katie Samples Dean to discuss using Five Wishes®, or a Power of Attorney for Healthcare and an Advanced Medical Directive.
Knowing that your healthcare wishes will be respected if you cannot speak for yourself brings tremendous peace of mind. Regardless of your age, you should have legal documents outlining who you want to make medical decisions on your behalf and what kind of medical treatment you want. This webinar will review options for getting these important estate planning documents in place. Join Extension Educator Jessica Groskopf and Attorney Katie Samples Dean to discuss using Five Wishes®, or a Power of Attorney for Healthcare and an Advanced Medical Directive.