Pop Culture Trivia
A Sexual Assault Awareness Month Event
7:00 pm –
8:00 pm
Union Ballroom Room: Ballroom
Melissa Wilkerson, (402) 472-3573, Melissa.Wilkerson@unl.edu
Join CARE for a Sex Assault Awareness Month twist on Pop Culture Trivia Night. We will play the classic game of trivia by looking at examples from tv, movies, music and news stories that relate to sexual violence in media. Prizes, snacks, drinks. It’s also Denim Day - Come wearing Denim and be sure and grab a photo in the Denim Day photo booth. Don’t forget to use #UNLSAAM for all of your photos.
For more information on Denim Day: https://www.denimdayinfo.org/history
For more information on Denim Day: https://www.denimdayinfo.org/history