Intro to Holistic Management
Creating Resilience by Improving Management of Land, Human & Financial Resources
10:00 am –
5:00 pm
Niobrara Lodge
803 US-20
Valentine NE 69201
Valentine NE 69201
Ty Walker, (308) 764-7082,
This hands-on seminar will introduce the skills and knowledge known as Holistic Management, a planning process designed to support ranchers and farmers in their everyday decision-making.
The Sandhills Task Force will be contributing half of the tuition cost for each attendee allowing for the reduced price of $350 per student, and only $100 for all additional attendees from the same business. For more information, see flyer.
The Sandhills Task Force will be contributing half of the tuition cost for each attendee allowing for the reduced price of $350 per student, and only $100 for all additional attendees from the same business. For more information, see flyer.