STEM Education Seminar
Moving beyond professional identity development to advance care for and from the whole engineer
2:00 pm –
3:30 pm
Kiewit Hall
Room: A251
1700 Vine St
Lincoln NE 68588
Lincoln NE 68588
Additional Info: KH
Virtual Location:
Target Audiences:
Mindi Searls,
In this seminar, Dr. Huff will illustrate the Beyond Professional Identity (BPI) lab’s active engineering education research that aims to transform cultures of engineering to be compassionate toward humanity. By establishing theoretical and methodological ways to access psychological phenomena that are often hidden in professional domains, we can change the ways that engineering faculty, students, and professionals inter-personally relate to those within and outside engineering by altering the ways that they intra-personally understand who they are—their identities—in the context of their professions. In this seminar, Dr. Huff discusses four strands of research that support this career mission: 1) quality in interpretive research, 2) personal identity in professional settings, 3) professional shame in engineering, and 4) academic well-being in engineering faculty. He will demonstrate how activity in these four strands of research coalesce to create a clarified vision of how engineers could emanate and experience care in the context of their professions.
Speaker: Dr. James Huff
Speaker: Dr. James Huff