Academic Technologies Learning Series - New Quizzes Question Types
10:00 am –
11:00 am
Virtual Location:
Register on Bridge - Session to be held via Zoom
Target Audiences:
In this session, the presenter will provide a deep dive into the New Quizzes question types that are available, showing how these question types work and what they allow faculty to gain from an assessment perspective. #UNL-AT
This event originated in Canvas Events & Training.
Supporting International Students in the Classroom
Supporting International Students’ Academic Success
12:00 pm –
1:00 pm
Virtual Location:
Supporting International Students’ Academic Success
Target Audiences:
International students sometimes face unique challenges in the classroom that instructors may be unprepared for. In this discussion-based workshop, members of the CTT and ISSO will help facilitate a conversation stemming from a series of case studies …
Inclusive Teaching Discussion
3:00 pm –
4:30 pm
Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center
Room: Unity
Target Audiences:
This interactive discussion session will focus on discussing case studies within a college classroom and applying inclusive teaching principles to the case. Participants will deepen their understanding of inclusive teaching and how to address …
This event originated in Graduate Studies Dates.