Cedar County Private Pesticide Applicators Training
1:00 pm –
4:00 pm CDT
Randolph City Auditorium
119 N Main St
Randolph NE 68771
Randolph NE 68771
Nebraska Extension - Cedar County, (402) 254-6821,
Pesticide Safety Education Programs are required for individuals applying restricted use pesticides for the purpose of producing any agricultural commodity on property owned or rented.
Please bring your letter from the Nebraska Department of Ag, or there will be a registration form available to fill out. Cost of training is $60, please make checks payable to University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Please bring your letter from the Nebraska Department of Ag, or there will be a registration form available to fill out. Cost of training is $60, please make checks payable to University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
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This event originated in Nebraska Extension - Cedar County.