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Entomology seminar: Ikju Park, University of California, Riverside

11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Entomology Hall Room: 202
1700 East Campus Mall
Lincoln NE 68503
Additional Info: ENTO
Virtual Location: Entomology Seminar
Additional Info:
Target Audiences:
Kathryn Schindler, (402) 472-8678,
Ikju Park will present a seminar for the Department of Entomology titled “Connecting the Dots: Sensory Ecology and Mass-Rearing in Weed Biological Control Programs.”

At the Insect Sensory and Behavioral Ecology Laboratory (ISABEL), Park’s team develops healthy insects for field release and studies how weed biological control agents find their host plants in a quarantine facility and field site.

He earned a doctoral degree in entomology from the University of Idaho, a Master of Science in agricultural biology from New Mexico State University and a Bachelor of Science in agricultural biology from Chungbuk National University in South Korea.

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