Humanities on the Edge Lecture: Sue J. Kim
5:30 pm
Sheldon Museum of Art
451 N 12th St
Lincoln NE 68588
Lincoln NE 68588
Additional Info: SHEL
Sue J. Kim is the author of On Anger: Race, Cognition, Narrative (U Texas P, 2013), which brings into conversation cognitive and cultural studies approaches to anger, and co-editor, with Meghan Hammond, of the collection Rethinking Empathy Through Literature (Routledge, 2014).
She was guest editor of “Decolonizing Narrative Theory,” a special issue of the Journal of Narrative Theory (Fall 2012), and she has essays published and forthcoming in the collections Latinos and Narrative Media: Participation and Portrayal (Palgrave), Narrative Theory Unbound: Queer and Feminist Interventions (Ohio State UP, 2013), and Postmodern Literature and Race (Cambridge UP). Her first book was Critiquing Postmodernism in Contemporary Discourses of Race (Palgrave 2009), and her essays have appeared in Modern Fiction Studies, The Journal of Asian American Studies, Narrative, College Literature, and Ethnic Studies Review.
She currently serves as co-chair of the MLA Committee on the Literatures of People of Color of the U.S. and Canada, and as MLA Assembly Delegate for the Asian American Literature Division. She served as co-chair of the East of California (EOC) section of the Association for Asian American Studies (2012-14) and was co-coordinator of the 2014 International Conference on Narrative in Cambridge, MA.
She was guest editor of “Decolonizing Narrative Theory,” a special issue of the Journal of Narrative Theory (Fall 2012), and she has essays published and forthcoming in the collections Latinos and Narrative Media: Participation and Portrayal (Palgrave), Narrative Theory Unbound: Queer and Feminist Interventions (Ohio State UP, 2013), and Postmodern Literature and Race (Cambridge UP). Her first book was Critiquing Postmodernism in Contemporary Discourses of Race (Palgrave 2009), and her essays have appeared in Modern Fiction Studies, The Journal of Asian American Studies, Narrative, College Literature, and Ethnic Studies Review.
She currently serves as co-chair of the MLA Committee on the Literatures of People of Color of the U.S. and Canada, and as MLA Assembly Delegate for the Asian American Literature Division. She served as co-chair of the East of California (EOC) section of the Association for Asian American Studies (2012-14) and was co-coordinator of the 2014 International Conference on Narrative in Cambridge, MA.
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This event originated in Women’s and Gender Studies.