Seminar: Dr. Sez Atamturktur Russcher
9:30 am –
10:35 am
Scott Engineering Center Link
Room: N105 / PKI 207
Additional Info: SLNK
Keith McGuffey, (402) 472-2730,
Dr. Sez Atamturktur Russcher will be presenting “Accounting for Interdependence: Quantifying Uncertainties in Strongly Coupled Models of Engineering Systems.”
The inherent characteristic feature of modern infrastructure networks is their interdependent nature. In this presentation, Dr. Sez Atamturktur Russcher will discuss how accounting for this interdependence in predictive models is crucial to support decision-making regarding the design, optimization, and operation of these systems.
The inherent characteristic feature of modern infrastructure networks is their interdependent nature. In this presentation, Dr. Sez Atamturktur Russcher will discuss how accounting for this interdependence in predictive models is crucial to support decision-making regarding the design, optimization, and operation of these systems.
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This event originated in Civil and Environmental Engineering Department.