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Employer in Residence : HUMANeX Ventures

9:30 am – 1:00 pm
College of Business - Howard L. Hawks Hall
730 N. 14th St.
Lincoln NE 68588
Information Booth | 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. | South Lobby
Lunch & Learn | 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. | CoB 111B

The Employer in Residence program enables business students to interact with employers through booths, presentations, résumé reviews and more. Students can learn about industries, internships, and full-time positions. A different employer is featured each day throughout the school year.

Employer Information:
HUMANeX Ventures is an international leader in the selection and development of purpose and talent-driven communities, organizations, and individuals. Our key objective is to see our client-partners realize their potential by discovering and developing their talents, while building world class workplace cultures that are engaging, inspiring, and growth oriented.

Our approach is to consult and partner with talented and committed leaders in excellence-driven organizations (education, healthcare, hospitality, retail, manufacturing, athletics, etc.) to establish and sustain disciplined “best practice” systems and processes. Our research-based integrated tools and services provide key metrics for top-tier organizations who are looking to maximize their human capital.

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This event originated in Business Career Center.