Horror & Heroism: Comics and Activism in the 21st Century
3:30 pm
Andrews Hall
Room: Bailey Library
625 N 14th St
Lincoln NE 68508
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: ANDR
Timothy Schaffert, tschaffert2@unl.edu
José Villarrubia will discuss recent projects, such as “Infidel” (Image Comics), which follows an American Muslim woman and her neighbors who move into a building haunted by entities that feed off xenophobia. The five-part comic, for which Villarrubia served as colorist/editor, has been optioned for film by TriStar. Villarrubia has worked on a number of DC and Marvel comics, contributing to Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, Thor, and many other iconographic characters/series, as well as projects such as “Cuba: My Revolution and America: The Life and Times of America Chavez.” He has collaborated on two books with Alan Moore, including “Mirror of Love,” an epic poem in prose that recounts the history of same-sex love. Sponsored by Department of English, Creative Writing.
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This event originated in Student Leadership, Involvement, & Community Engagement.