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Employer in Residence: Travelers

9:00 am – 12:00 pm
College of Business - Howard L. Hawks Hall Room: South Lobby
730 N. 14th St.
Lincoln NE 68588
Information Booth | South Lobby | 09:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

The Employer in Residence program enables business students to interact with employers through booths, presentations, résumé reviews and more. Students can learn about industries, internships, and full-time positions. A different employer is featured each day throughout the school year.

Employer Information:
Travelers is one of the largest providers of property and casualty insurance products in the United States. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, Travelers has approximately 30,000 employees and operations in the United States and selected international markets. Our main offices are located in New York, New York, Hartford, Connecticut and Saint Paul, Minnesota. Travelers prides itself on offering students and new graduates enriching career opportunities through a variety of internship, development and leadership programs in areas that include actuarial science, finance, human resources, information technology, operations, product management and underwriting.

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This event originated in Business Career Center.