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ASCI Experiential Learning Symposium

5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Animal Sciences Complex
Additional Info: ANSC
Bryan Reiling, (402) 472-8960,
Interested in an internship? Want to learn about where you might go, what you might do, and what you could learn? Join us for the Animal Science Experiential Learning Symposium where students will share what they did and learned while conducting internships in 2019. Our students worked in extension programs from California to Virginia, on cow/calf operations, in feedlots, on swine operation, and in zoos. They worked with companion animals, food animals, and exotic animals! Others worked with allied industries and commodity organizations that impact governmental policy. Some stayed close to home, and others traveled long distances. Still, they all have something in common—a desire to learn through hands-on experience! These students will share what they did and what they learned.

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This event originated in Animal Science.