LGBTQA+ Annual History Month Dinner & Social
5:00 pm
Cornhusker Marriott Hotel Room: Grand Ballroom
333 South 13th St.
Lincoln NE
Lincoln NE
JD McCown, (402) 472-1752,
Every year, the LGBTQA+ Center invites the Lincoln Community to come together to celebrate our rich history. Join us over a semi-formal dinner with great food, moving entertainment, with Raquel Willis, activist, writer, speaker, and executive editor of Out Magazine being the keynote speaker. Entertainment will be River City Mixed Chorus and Vince Learned on piano pre-program.
Tables and Ads can be purchased using the form located at Individual tickets may be purchased in the SOFS office, located in Nebraska Union 200—contact Jeff Rech at 402-472-5668.
Students can request a scholarship ticket by contacting Students can also volunteer at the program to cover seat costs.
5:00-6:15 pm: Pre-dinner social
6:00 pm: Ballroom doors open
6:30 pm: Dinner
Tables and Ads can be purchased using the form located at Individual tickets may be purchased in the SOFS office, located in Nebraska Union 200—contact Jeff Rech at 402-472-5668.
Students can request a scholarship ticket by contacting Students can also volunteer at the program to cover seat costs.
5:00-6:15 pm: Pre-dinner social
6:00 pm: Ballroom doors open
6:30 pm: Dinner
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This event originated in Student Leadership, Involvement, & Community Engagement.