UNVEIL: Symposium on the Evolutionary Genomics of Adaptation
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Nebraska Union
1400 R St
Lincoln NE 68508
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: NU
The second Symposium on the Evolutionary Genomics of Adaptation will be held Oct. 11-13 at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
Coordinated by the UNVEIL collaborative — a research partnership between Nebraska and the University of Montana that is supported by the National Science Foundation — the symposium will share recent insights on how genetics manifest as ecologically important traits in both natural and domesticated systems.
The interdisciplinary symposium will feature evolutionary geneticists, agricultural and animal scientists, entomologists, conservation biologists and resource managers, as well as science communicators.
Keynote and featured speakers from the University of Kansas, Michigan State University, the University of Rochester and the University of Iowa will address issues ranging from the genetic-driven fitness of the yellow monkey flower to the diversification and domestication of yeast. Attendees will be visiting from New York, Michigan, Missouri and Tennessee, among other states, along with the Canadian province of Quebec.
In addition to a full scientific program focused on evolutionary genetics and genomics, the symposium will feature a half-day session highlighting research with applications in conservation, agriculture and animal science, resource management and science communication.
Coordinated by the UNVEIL collaborative — a research partnership between Nebraska and the University of Montana that is supported by the National Science Foundation — the symposium will share recent insights on how genetics manifest as ecologically important traits in both natural and domesticated systems.
The interdisciplinary symposium will feature evolutionary geneticists, agricultural and animal scientists, entomologists, conservation biologists and resource managers, as well as science communicators.
Keynote and featured speakers from the University of Kansas, Michigan State University, the University of Rochester and the University of Iowa will address issues ranging from the genetic-driven fitness of the yellow monkey flower to the diversification and domestication of yeast. Attendees will be visiting from New York, Michigan, Missouri and Tennessee, among other states, along with the Canadian province of Quebec.
In addition to a full scientific program focused on evolutionary genetics and genomics, the symposium will feature a half-day session highlighting research with applications in conservation, agriculture and animal science, resource management and science communication.
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This event originated in Social and Behavioral Sciences Research Consortium.