Federal and State Income Tax Institute
8:00 am –
5:15 pm
The Heartland Event Center
700 E. Stolley Park Road
Grand Island NE 68801
Grand Island NE 68801
Tax Institute, (402) 472-4333,
Experience an interactive review of federal tax changes and new rulings as well as hear recommendations on ways to advise your clients in light of these recent changes and how to file accurately on their behalf.
Check the website for more detailed information.
Earn your continuing education credits in a location convenient to you. With seven two-day institutes held around the state, there’s a tax institute being held near you. Tax institutes meet 8 a.m.-5:15 p.m. Registration, check-in and continental breakfast begins at 7 a.m. both days and a catered lunch is provided on site at approximately 12-12:45 p.m.
Check the website for more detailed information.
Earn your continuing education credits in a location convenient to you. With seven two-day institutes held around the state, there’s a tax institute being held near you. Tax institutes meet 8 a.m.-5:15 p.m. Registration, check-in and continental breakfast begins at 7 a.m. both days and a catered lunch is provided on site at approximately 12-12:45 p.m.
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This event originated in College of Business.