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Webinar – Bystander Intervention: Combating Rising Bias and Harassment

12:00 pm
Zoom Webinar
Office of Diversity and Inclusion, (402) 472-0148,
As the coronavirus pandemic escalates, there has been a significant increase in harassment, discrimination and even violence directed at vulnerable and underrepresented populations—actions that are many times endured while surrounded by bystanders who see what is happening but do not act.

Drawing on standards of inclusive excellence and the social science method of the 5 D’s of Bystander Intervention, this webinar will provide current models of disrespect specific to the current pandemic (yet familiar to the impacted) that include microaggressions to discrimination while providing behaviors and patterns to look for, highlighting the positive impact of bystander intervention on impacted individuals and communities. This webinar will provide steps from inaction to inclusive intervention—methods that will allow for personal safety and inclusive intervention.

The Zoom link will be sent on Monday, April 27.

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