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Inclusive Leadership and Learning: Belong. Grow. Practice. Lead. Webinar Series

White Emotionality: Challenges and Opportunities for Change in Higher Education

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Office of Diversity and Inclusion,
Through the “Belong, Grow, Practice and Lead” webinar series, the Inclusive Leadership and Learning Unit (ILL) in the Office of Diversity & Inclusion aims to provide the opportunity for ALL to deepen their understanding and enhance their skills around matters of inclusivity?in local and global communities.

Critical whiteness studies (CWS), an offshoot of critical race theory, takes as its focus the hegemonic status of whiteness. More than just a synonym for white people, whiteness is a system that shapes institutions, establishes and maintains norms, and powers inequities by upholding systems of white dominance. This webinar will examine the impact of CWS in education, focusing especially on the linkage between emotions and whiteness, what Cheryl Matias calls ‘white emotionality’.

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This event originated in Diversity at UNL.