2022 Senior Design Showcase
1:00 pm –
4:00 pm
Nebraska Innovation Campus Conference Center
Room: Auditorium
2021 Transformation Drive
Lincoln Ne 68508
Lincoln Ne 68508
Emili Jones, (402) 554-3562,
The College of Engineering’s Senior Design Showcase, Nebraska’s premier undergraduate engineering student design event, will be held Friday, May 6 from 1-3:30 p.m. at Nebraska Innovation Campus Conference Center.
The event will showcase new and innovative projects from more than 70 teams of graduating students. These projects reflect real-world professional environments and, in some cases, collaborations with industry clients to develop products and devices that could have immediate impacts.
For more information about the Senior Design Showcase, go online to
The event will showcase new and innovative projects from more than 70 teams of graduating students. These projects reflect real-world professional environments and, in some cases, collaborations with industry clients to develop products and devices that could have immediate impacts.
For more information about the Senior Design Showcase, go online to
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This event originated in Engineering .