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2022 Nebraska Custom Rates Update

Center for Ag Profitability Webinar

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Glennis McClure,
With: Glennis McClure, Farm and Ranch Management Analyst, UNL Center for Agricultural Profitability; and Jim Jansen, Agricultural Economist, UNL Center for Agricultural Profitability

This webinar provides a summary of the newly released 2022 Nebraska Farm Custom Rates Report, with information on how the data might be applied.

A survey of agricultural custom operators is conducted in Nebraska every two years. A total of 193 survey responses were received in 2022 with information reflecting the current rates charged by custom operators for machine hire services and other work they provide for neighboring farms and ranches or as part of a business enterprise that covers a broader area. Survey participants identified by Nebraska Extension personnel, or in some cases, self- identified custom operators, received a paper survey or a web link to complete the custom rates survey online.

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This event originated in Center for Agricultural Profitability.