Beef Quality Assurance Training in Creighton
7:00 pm –
9:00 pm
Creighton Livestock Market
1103 Peabody Ave
Creighton Ne 68729
Creighton Ne 68729
Ben Beckman, (402) 254-6821,
Nebraska Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) will be presenting the latest on the BQA and BQA Transportation (BQAT) programs and certifying/recertifying producers in BQA and BQAT. The BQA and BQAT programs educates beef producers and transporters on animal health best management practices, proper stockmanship, and proper animal welfare guidelines. All producers are invited to attend. BQA and BQAT certification is valid for three years. The certification fee is $20/person or a flat fee of $100 for operations who bring 5+ people. Register online at
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This event originated in Nebraska Extension - Cedar County.