“Great Builders”
Presented by Raymond Paul Giroux (Kiewit)
4:45 pm –
5:45 pm
Peter Kiewit Institute Room: 263
UNL College of Engineering, (402) 472-3181, engfrontdesk2@unl.edu
The Brooklyn Bridge, Hoover Dam, Golden Gate Bridge, and the Panama Canal are Great Projects that were all built by individuals who had to get out of their comfort zone and take risks to accomplish these projects. Veteran builder and award-winning civil engineering historian Paul Giroux will share his unique perspective of the great projects and the timeless lessons still relevant to modern practice and applicable to all future builders. Learning objectives for this presentation are that attendees will be able to:
* Identify lessons from the Great Builders that are still relevant to modern practice.
* Identify the key traits of the builders of the Great Projects.
* Be able to apply lessons learned to real problems in today’s world.
* Identify lessons from the Great Builders that are still relevant to modern practice.
* Identify the key traits of the builders of the Great Projects.
* Be able to apply lessons learned to real problems in today’s world.
Additional Public Info:
Also available in Nebraska Hall 175 (Lincoln) and via Zoom
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This event originated in The Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction.