2023 COE Summer Undergraduate Research Fair
2:00 pm
Nebraska Union
Room: Ballroom
Target Audiences:
1400 R St
Lincoln NE 68508
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: NU
Cameron Adams, cadams@unl.edu
The College of Engineering is hosting the 2023 Summer Undergraduate Research Fair on Wednesday, August 2nd. The event is open to anyone interested in attending - no RSVP required!
Students from several programs (SRP, UCARE, McNair, etc.) will present their summer research in this poster-style event. There will be students presenting from across the nation (and world), representing 32+ universities & institutions, who have been conducting research at UNL this summer.
Students from several programs (SRP, UCARE, McNair, etc.) will present their summer research in this poster-style event. There will be students presenting from across the nation (and world), representing 32+ universities & institutions, who have been conducting research at UNL this summer.
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This event originated in Engineering .